“Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies” – Albert Einstein
Light Language Transmissions
Light Language is a method of multidimensional healing, which speaks directly to the soul and is integrated and directed with the help of our Higher Selves exactly where we need it most. The light codes shared through such transmissions have an intelligence of their own and act as an agent of awakening. They help us on our path of healing and return to wholeness by touching our deepest self, activating out dormant DNA, bringing our latent gifts to life, healing emotional issues and traumatic experiences, assisting with recovery from health issues, clearing inner blocks, and removing obstacles from our path, which we may or may not even be consciously aware of.
By listening to Alexandra’s light language transmissions, you can begin to heal on all levels of your being, with ease and grace, and without having to work through painful memories or traumatic events or even discussing your intimate, personal issues with a therapist. This modality is meant for those who wish to have a powerful tool, that can support them on their ascension or healing journey, and which allows them to work through their own issues independently, and become their own healer.
Alexandra offers light language transmissions either as an audio recording or a drawing, which are both sent via email. The audio version is sent via a downloadable Dropbox link, and the drawings are scanned, so you can print them out in the size you prefer, or use as a phone or PC background photo.
Both types of transmissions are equally powerful, the audio version working through the divine masculine energy, cutting and releasing everything that is holding you back, whereas the drawn format vibrates with the divine feminine energy, healing and restoring your system on a constant basis in a more subtle, yet all-encompassing way.
All of the light language services Alexandra provides are timeless living transmissions, which means that they have a divine intelligence of their own, which can work with you multidimensionally beyond the limitations of time and space, exactly as you need it, in each now moment. Both the audio and the drawn formats are intended to continuously support you throughout your entire lifetime, or for as long as you feel guided to work with them.
Many people prefer to order both, have the drawing in their home or as a background photo on their electronic devices to keep the healing going and to remind themselves of their commitment to change, as well as the shift they are experiencing, while listening to the audio transmission on a regular basis, but this obviously a matter of personal choice and preference.
Alexandra offers multiple pre-recorded transmissions in the shop on this website.
She can also channel transmissions on demand, such as the Personal Transmission which can be focused on any topic you might need assistance with, and the Soul Signature Light Language Transmissions, which are the most powerful light language transmissions she provides.
The Soul Signature Transmissions are intended to be a timeless self-healing tool, that can accompany and assist you throughout your entire incarnation, and are channeled with the assistance of your Higher Self, in alignment with your unique soul signature.
The way Alexandra channels such transmissions, is that she focuses them on clearing all the major limiting energies you may be facing holistically, body, mind, emotions and spirit.
These transmissions represent the essence of everything Alexandra has learned through her various certifications, as well as through working with her clients for over 10 years, clearing away major blocks she has discovered within herself and those she assisted.
Since light language works in alignment with the intention it is channeled with, it can help heal, clear, integrate, bring in or attract any energy you wish to work on. Please send us an email, describing the issue you are confronting or want to focus your transmission on in detail, along with your full name and date of birth, so Alexandra can work with your individual energy in the best and clearest way possible.

Since receiving my Soul Signature Light Language Transmission from Alexandra for about two months ago, I have cleared many blocks and been able to step further on my souls path in this incarnation. I have now embraced the call to expand as a light worker and to be more visible, which used to feel very uncomfortable for me. I feel more aligned to my highest path and have gained more trust in the unfolding of this path. Thank you Alexandra!
With love,
Camilla Borgstrom